MICHAEL EKLUND goes Hollywood and shoots as lead together with Halle Berry and Abigail Breslin in…
THE HIVE, feature film, directed by: Brad Anderson (Session 9, The Machinist)
Another film he shoot and stars in 2012/ FEROCIOUS directed by Robert Cuffley
Michael has a new movie coming out this summer called THE DAY, a post apocalyptic action
thriller which will hit theatres this July 17th, which will rock and roll. You can see the trailer here
And another film which is dear to his heart is called ERRORS OF THE HUMAN BODY
which he shot last year in Dresden Germany, the premier is this July in Montreal at the the
Fantasia Film Festival. Check out the trailer here
MAX LOONG in Locarno with the swiss feature film THE SWISS MISS MASSACRE,
directed by Michael Steiner, August 10th/ 09:30 pm Info
JIRI MADL as lead in the recently shot feature film COLETTE, directed by Milan Cieslar
NICKY NAUDÉ in the new Pub Allianz commercial also staring Charlotte Rampling,
directed by Jean-Marc Vallée, H comme Habitation…watch the spot here
MARTA ZOFFOLI shoots new Mulino Bianco commercial with Antonio Banderas,
directed by Luca Guadagnino
*TO ROME WITH LOVE, new feature directed by Woody Allen…Scene with Roberto Benigni
*next release dates are…Germany: August 30th/ UK: Septmber 14th…
KATERINA MISICHRONI finished her shooting as leading role for the British feature film
LOST EXISTENCE, directed by Benedict Sampays with David Frampton and Yiannis Alexiou
JOSEPHINE DE LA BAUME finished the shooting for her leading role in the US feature film
KISS OF THE DAMNED, directed by Xan Cassavetes with Milo Ventimiglia and Riley Keough
CARLOS LEAL new lead role in A SUMMER IN AMALFI directed by Jorgo Papavassiliou
*Carlos will be a Jury Member of the Zurich Film Festival 2012, he also stars in a new MusicClip with the
swiss musician SLÄDU, check it out “Bienvenue en Suisse”