Hi everybody, something new for the end of November. Please pay attention to some new great potential upcoming talents we will from now on represent. Pawel Delag a really famous Polish actor who shot and also stars in many Russian movies, Damien Chapelle…one of the next Belgian rising stars after Matthias Schoenaerts (“Rust and Bones”) and Marie Ulbricht & Clara- Marie Pazzini, two young German/ half German talents you should keep an eye on…and have a look for some additional great news of our clients…
PAULA KROH awarded upcoming actress stars side by side with Devid Striesow for (already aired on ARTE and screened at the festival of German movies) DIE FRAU VON FRÜHER/ THE WOMAN FROM THE PAST, directed by Andreas Kleinert, got now the tv movie award of the German academy of performing arts, info…
JOY BAI stars in the 90 minutes episode of the well known Bavarian crime series SEEGRUND. EIN KLUFTINGERKRIMI/ KLUFTINGER- LAKE BOTTOM, directed by Rainer Kaufmann after the novels of Michael Kobr und Volker Klüpfel, November 28th/ 08:15pm/ DasErste, info…
LEVIN HENNING supprting role for MILLIONEN/ MILLIONS, directed by Fabian Möhrke (director of the many times awarded short PHILIPP, lead MAX HEGEWALD) screened at this years Hof international film festival info, team screening December 01st, 03:30pm at FSK Kino Kreuzberg…
JAN BREUSTEDT a new upcoming and remarkable actor from Volksbühne Berlin finished his shooting for the German/ Austrian feature film VON JETZT AN KEIN ZURÜCK/ FROM NOW THERE’S NO TURNIN’ BACK, directed by Christian Frosch, which he stars for side by side with German talent Ben Becker, info…
FABIAN HALBIG and ROBIN WALTER together again for a shooting (you should remind them from their lead roles in the very sucessful franchise feature film trilogy VORSTADTKROKODILE/ SUBURBAN CROCODILES) for a famous German crime series POLIZEIRUF 110, directed by the many times awarded Alexander Adolph…
PAWEL DELAG is now represented by Das Imperium…
DAMIEN CHAPELLE is now represented by Das Imperium…