Hello everybody, it´s the right time to share some great news of our talents with you…
TIMOTHY V. MURPHY in a supporting role for LONE RANGER with Johnny Depp, directed by Gore Verbinski, red carpet premiere June 22nd, US cinema release July 3rd…
…TIMOTHY V. MURPHY is currently shooting more episodes of the US series SONS OF ANARCHY. He already appeared as the returning character Galen in the series. Check out one of the scenes with him from the previous season…
MUNICH FILMFEST June 28th- July 07th
MILLTON WELSH in a supporting role UNTER FEINDEN/ AMONG ENEMIES, directed by Lars Becker, July 02nd/ 07pm/ Rio 1, info
HARDY SCHWETTER aka CHRISTIAN STEIFFEN stars for ICH FÜHL MICH DISCO/ I FEEL LIKE DISCO, directed by Axel Ranisch, nominated for “New German cinema” in the sections direction, script and three times for acting (including HARDY SCHWETTER), June 30th/ 07:30pm/ ARRI, July 01st/ 04:30pm/ HFF AudimaxX, July 02nd/ 12:30am/ City 1, July 04th/ 08:00pm/ Münchner Freiheit 1, info
DANIELE RIZZO after his successful interviews for IRON MAN 3 and especially STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS, what comes next? Daniele did recently an interview with Johnny Depp for LONE RANGER. An interview he was waiting for a long time…
SERGEJ ONOPKO took part in a Gian Paolo Barbieri exhibition which took place from June 05th to 20th in Mailand info Inspired by a scene of Rainer Werner Fassbinders “Querelle”, have a look…