Hi everybody, we want to share some great news with you of clients we represent and who star for really great movies which will run at the following festivals… (please scroll down). Let´s start with great…
Copenhagen international film festival April 11th – 24th
TORSTEN VOGES amazing supporting role for THE LORDS OF SALEM, directed by Rob Zombie, info
TORSTEN VOGES as Count Gorgann in the new music video for THE LORDS OF SALEM, “Crushing the ritual” by Leviathan the fleeing serpent (the band from the movie)
RASHA BUKVIC stars for GOODBYE MOROCCO, directed by Nadir Moknèche, info
TÓMAS LEMARQUIS stars for PAINLESS, directed by Juan Carlos Medina, info
MARKO MANDIC stars for GOLD, side by side with german superstar Nina Hoss, directed by Thomas Arslan, screened in competition at the Berlinale 2013, info
JOSEPHINE DE LA BAUME, stars for KISS OF THE DAMNED, directed by Xan Cassavetes, which had it’s premier at Venice film festival 2012, info
Achtung Berlin film festival April 17th – 24th
MARTINA SCHÖNE- RADUNSKI stars for KÄPTN OSKAR/ CAPTN OSCAR, directed by Tom Lass, competition feature film, please check out the fabulous brand new trailer below! info
and again TÓMAS LEMARQUIS stars for AM HIMMEL DER TAG/ BREAKING HORIZONS, directed by Pola Beck, festival directors choice, best feature film at Zurich film festival 2012, info
IRINA POTAPENKO stars for DIE BESUCHER/ THE VISITORS, directed by Constanze Knoche, festival directors choice, info
IRINA POTAPENKO stars also for an episode KOMMISSARIN LUCAS/ COMMISSIONER LUCAS- LOVERGIRL, one of the most famous German crime series, April 20th/ Prime Time 08:15pm/ second biggest German television broadcaster ZDF, info
GISA FLAKE supporting role for LITTLE 13, directed by Christian Klandt, festival directors choice, info
SARA FAZILAT supporting role for SATURNTAGE/ SATURNDAYS, directed by Sara Bungartz, competition middle long feature, info
JOHANNES GÄDE stars for the first time for JETZT, JETZT, JETZT/ NOW, NOW, NOW, directed by Christin Freitag, April 23rd, RBB, 11:30pm, info