Hello everybody, first of all we decided to have again an additional office landline phone number: +49.30.28879520 (Please save this number!) Thx. We want to promote our new blog that´s why I decided to put every of our monthly categories in this mail to set your attention a bit on it. Please have a look below the news about this great talents we work for. Please read what´s new and keep an eye on Martina Schöne- Radunski who studied acting in London and who we now start to represent….she is incredibly talented also for her other talent!
There many other great news who coming up from our talents. Please read below. Thx.
THEO ALEXANDER stars for METEORA, (Berlin International Film Festival 2012 nominated for the Golden Berlin Bear) directed by Spiros Stathoulopoulos, soon in German cinemas
THEO ALEXANDER is known through the many times awarded and for example Grammy and Emmy nominated american HBO series TRUE BLOOD, directed by Allan Ball, scenes
GIANNI MEURER stars for CHI L’HA VISTO/ WHO SAW HIM, directed by Claudia Rorarius, Gianni Meurer was nominated 2009 as best actor at Torino Film Festival, DVD release November 30th, Trailer
JIRI MADL recently finished his shooting for COLETTE directed by Milan Cieslar, which he stars for, scenes
LEONARDO NIGRO starts his shooting for the well known crime series ALLES KLARA, where he will star for one episode, directed by Andi Niessner
MARTINA SCHÖNE- RADUNSKI is now represented by Das Imperium, she stars for KAPTN OSKAR, directed by Tom Lass, Trailer
Additional, have a look at some of the NEW PICTURES of our talents…