Hello lovely friends and sunny bizz partners, there´re some great news we want to share with you because of….. Let´s start.
MAX HEGEWALD (last Monday awarded at the German actors awards) and FABIAN HALBIG for UND MORGEN MITTAG BIN ICH TOT/ AND TOMMORROW NOON I’M DEAD, directed by Frederik Steiner, screened at Hof international film festival 2013/ competition and Oldenburg film festival, German cinema release February 13th, info…
PAULA KROH awarded upcoming actress stars side by side with Devid Striesow for (already aired on ARTE and screened at the festival of German movies) DIE FRAU VON FRÜHER/ THE WOMAN FROM THE PAST, directed by Andreas Kleinert, got the tv movie award of the German academy of performing arts and NOW a nomination for the Grimme award, info…
COSIMA CIUPEC & KETEL WEBER started their shooting for SIN & ILLY, directed by Maria Hengge, which Cosima stars for (Illy) and Ketel stars for the role of the father of the second lead Sin…
PAUL BOCHE stars for the music video trilogy of the french artist Talisco called RUN, info…
JESSY MORAVEC now represented by Das Imperium talent agency a new upcoming talent who stars for example for the feature films ACHTUNG, FERTIG, WK!/ ATTENSION, READY, RC! directed by Oliver Rihs and ASCENSION DAY directed by Harald Holzenleiter, info…