Hi lovely friends & funky bizz partners, there is one new great upcoming talent we need to put your attention on because… and now there are no words to make it bigger…so there are three other upcoming talents you should put an eye on because they are selected as shootingstars for this years Berlinale and they are incredible talented and fantastic human beings you want to have as friends… so please have a look and keep this great talents in mind. There are also some other great talents who star for movies which will run at the Berlinale you will find below too…
LUCIE ARON, stars for KREUZWEG/ STATIONS OF THE CROSS, directed by Dietrich Brüggemann, competition, info…
Three Shootingstars of the Berlinale 2014 are from Das Imperium talent agency:
COSMINA STRATAN who won the Award as best actress at Cannes film festival 2012 for her performance for BEYOND THE HILLS, directed by Cristian Mungiu, which she stars for, 5 nominations and 4 wins for the feature film (personal page)
MATEUSZ KOSUKIEWICZ who stars for W IMIE…/ IN THE NAME OF… , directed by Malgorzata Szumowska (3 awards, 2 nomination), he won the award as best actor at Karlovy Vary international film festival 2010, for his performance for WSZYSTKO, CO KOCHAM, directed by Jacek Borcuch (5 awards and 7 nominations) which was also nominated and awarded at polish film awards 2011 (IMDb page)
NIKOLA RAKOCEVIC who stars for SKINNING directed by Stevan Filipovic and also for CIRCLES directed by Srdan Golubovic which is in the selection for the Academy awards as movie from a foreign country (for Serbia) and won six important festival awards (for example Sundance and Berlin international fil m festival) and got two nominations. (personal page)
MILTON WELSH and DANIEL STEINER for THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL directed by Wes Anderson, competition, info…
MIRA FURLAN, stars for KUMUN TADI/ SEABURNERS, directed by Melisa Önel, Forum, info…
JOSEPHINE DE LA BAUME stars for ARRETE OU JE CONTINUE/ IF YOU DON’T I WILL, directed by Sophie Fillières, Panorama special, info…
MEHDI NEBBOU, stars for SEIN LETZTES RENNEN/ BACK ON TRACK, directed by Kilian Riedhof, German Cinema – LOLA@Berlinale, info…
CLARA- MARIE PAZZINI stars for EXIT MARRAKECH, directed by Caroline Link, Forum, info…
HARDY SCHWETTER/ CHRISTIAN STEIFFEN stars for ICH FÜHL MICH DISCO/ I FEEL LIKE DISCO directed by Axel Ranisch, German Cinema – LOLA@Berlinale, info…
PAULA KROH, for SPUTNIK/ MISSION SPUTNIK, directed by Markus Dietrich, German Cinema – LOLA@Berlinale, info…
IRINA POTAPENKO, for TÖCHTER/ DAUGHTERS, directed by Maria Speth, Forum, info…