Hello lovely friends & collaborators , first of all please keep in mind Das Imperium Talent Agency´s “international talents – selfmade-food-Berlinale brunch” – Friday February 07th/ 01pm- 06pm!
Amongst others three Shootingstars of the Berlinale 2014: Cosmina Stratan, Mateusz Kosukiewicz & Nikola Rakocevic will attend and also some other Shootingstars of the last years and European upcoming talents like Marko Mandic, Tómas Lemarquis, Lucie Aron (stars for KREUZWEG/ CROSSROAD at Berlinale´s main competition), Mehdi Nebbou, Stefano Cassetti, Max Hegewald, Irina Potapenko, Rasha Bukvic, Nahuel P. Biscayart (Cesar nominated actor, please have a look below). If you want to attend please rsvp at: georg@dasimperium.com. Thx. There some great news of our talents we want to share with you. So please have a look below.
TORSTEN VOGES stars for BULLET, directed by Nick Lyon, next to Danny Trejo & Jonathan Banks, check out the amazing trailer below, info…
Fingers crossed for our nominated talents for the German Actors Award 2014.
MAX HEGEWALD one of our most upcoming talents for acting/ directing and Golden Camera award winner as best newcomer, stars for WEISSENSEE, directed by Friedemann Fromm, German actors award- best cast for a TV series…
MARTINA SCHÖNE- RADUNSKI nominated for the German actress award 2014/ female newcomer and already awarded as best actress at Oldenburg film festival also for KAPTN OSKAR/ CAPTN OSCAR, directed by Tom Lass which she stars for, info…
LEONARDO NIGRO who won three weeks ago the Swiss TV Movie Award as best actor in a supporting role for his performance at ORO VERDE directed by Mohammed Soudani two weeks ago is now nominated for SWISS FILM AWARD as best actor in a supporting role for his performance at the cinema movie SCHWARZE BRÜDER/BLACK BROTHERS, directed by Xavier Koller
LUNA ZIMIC MIJOVIC who stars last year for Petra Volpe´s cinema movie TRAUMLAND/DREAMLAND and did an incredible performance as a young prostitute for this movie which is now nominated in three categories for the SWISS FILM AWARD…
NAHUEL PEREZ BISCAYART stars last year for LEFT FOOT, RIGHT FOOT by Germinal Roaux. This movie is now nominated in three categories for the Swiss Film Award (best film, best camera and best actor in a supporting role). He is now in Berlin to prepare and rehearse for his first German cinema project he will star for (side by side with another of our great talents: Eugene Boateng).
DANIEL STEINER (one of our talents at Wes Andersons GRAND HOTEL BUDAPEST) will star for another season of popular German crime tv series SOKO LEIPZIG, weekly on Friday/ ZDF/ 09:15 pm. Besides them became his role of a nerdy criminal assistant very popular and has now his own Youtube channel. Please have a look: Rettig- Rettung in jeder Lebenslage/ Rettig- Rescue in every cirumstance…