New team member and new connections

New team member and new connections

Please read below about our new team member Ludi Luthmann who will help us to expand our bizz & find also our new cellphone connections

(please update your data!):

(picture by Robert Carrithers)
Georg Georgi
mobile: +49.151.61957519 (new mobile number since 1.1.2014!)
mail: georg@dasimperium.com

Manuel Höhne (procurement service)
mobile: +49.151.19324297 or office: +49.30.28879520
mail: manuel@dasimperium.com


Ludi Luthmann (procurement service)
mobile: +49.151.19324296 (Georg´s old cell phone number!) or office: +49.30.28879520
mail: assistant@dasimperium.com


Romina Duelli (trainee)
mobile: +49.151.19324297 or office: +49.30.28879520
mail: praktikant@dasimperium.com