Hi everybody, still in Cannes action we have some other great news of our talents beside the festival…
MARTINA SCHÖNE- RADUNSKI stars for KAPTN OSKAR/ CAPTN OSCAR, directed by Tom Lass in the US premier at SOHO international film festival/ May 20th/ 06:15pm, screening followed by a Q & A with the cast and crew, info. MARTINA was nominated for the German actress award 2014/ female newcomer and is already awarded as best actress at Oldenburg film festival…
MARTINA & MILTON WELSH are shooting for GERMAN ANGST directed by Jörg Buttgereit, Andreas Marschall and Michal Kosakowski, which both star for, info…
CRISTINA FLUTUR, stars for the French TV mini series RESISTANCE, episode one May 19th/ TF1/ 08:55 pm and episode 2 May 19th/ TF1/ 09:55 pm, info…