Hi lovely friends & funky bizz partners, so many interesting news of our clients came up the last week that we couldn´t take all in one Newsmail to share this with you…
BRAND NEW…confirmed!
LUNA ZIMIC MIJOVIC for the new feature film by Paolo Sorrentino called YOUTH. Luna will for example shoot side by side with Harvey Keitel, Michael Caine and Rachel Weisz…“Shooting for Paolos latest film kicks of”, “Weisz, Keitel, Cain join YOUTH”
STEFANO CASSETTI stars for the miniseries of NBC’s ROSEMARY’S BABY side by side with Zoe Saldana and Jason Isaac. His role is the devil himself, May 11th/ 09pm, info additionally scenes from the two times awarded feature film IL TERZO TEMPO, directed by Enrico Maria Artale, which Stefano stars for…
TÓMAS LEMARQUIS, stars for 3 DAYS TO KILL, directed by McG, German cinema release May 08th, side by side with Kevin Costner and Amber Heard…
YANGZOM BRAUEN, stars now for the very successfull and already awarded German crime/ action series DER LETZTE BULLE/ THE LAST COP as the new partner Anja Russek since May 05th, every Monday/ 08:15pm/ SAT.1, info…
1. ANGELIQUE CAVALLARI is now represented by Das Imperium talent agency…
2. ROXANA CONDURACHE now represented by Das Imperium talent agency…
3. AVA VON DÜSTERLHO now represented by Das Imperium talent agency…