DIMITRI STAPFER & JESSY MORAVEC, recently finished their shooting for a Swiss feature film called LASST DIE ALTEN STERBEN which is nominated for IWC filmmakers award at ZIFF.
LASST DIE ALTE STERBEN, directed by Juri Steinharthael (Production set pictures)
SILVIA BUSUIOC stars for a guest role for LETHAL WEAPONS a new US TV show created by Matthew Miller. The show airs on September 21st at Fox channel/US and ITV/UK in prime time. If you click her production picture below, you would be redirected to the website where you could watch her fully episode (only for viewers in USA).
LETHAL WEAPONS/ TV Show on FOX Channel. (Production picture)
ENDLESS POETRY directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky, will be released in France on Oktober 5th. LEANDRO TAUB plays one of the lead character´s of the poet Enrique Lihn.ENDLESS POETRY directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky (Production picture)
FRANC BRUNEU stars for SABINE a short directed by Sylvain Robineauor. On air at Canal+ Cinéma October 2nd at 10:55 p.m.SABINE, directed by Sylvain Robineauor (trailer starts from sec 20)
KATJANA GERZ lead a new Comedy show GUTE ARBEIT ORIGINALS for a new German online platfortm/channel FUNK from the biggest German public channel.GUTE ARBEIT ORIGINALS, a trailer