FALK HENTSCHEL, stars for LEGENDS OF TOMORROW finally in German TV from August 30th/ 09pm/ Pro7, info. The second season of the successful series will be aired already in October in the US. It is a spin off of the CW serieses ARROW and THE FLASH where Falk was already introduced with his role as Carter Hall/ Hawkman. All are comic adaptions from DC. In the meantime he shot in Germany the TV movie JACK THE RIPPER, directed by Sebastian Niemann (info) and the short THE BIG SWIM, directed by Kat Green…
LEGENDS OF TOMORROW season 1 (trailer)
JACK THE RIPPER, directed by Sebastian Niemann (set pictures)
THE BIG SWIM, directed by Kat Green (trailer)
KRISTOF KONRAD stars as Leonid Ivankov for the US hit tv show for CBS, ZOO…
ZOO, CBS tv series (scene picture)
ARLY JOVER stars for a short, filmed and directed by BLAKE WORRELL. He was also responsible for the music and the sound. It is called THE WEIRD SISTERS and is selected for SF3 2016 People’s Choice Award at SF3 Gala Finals Screening & Awards Ceremony this Friday August 26th. So please support and click the like button for the video!
THE WEIRD SISTERS, directed by Blake Worrell (short)
MILTON WELSH stars for a brand new series THE 5TH AGE as the character Baretta. It is directed by Ingo Monitor and below you can have first glimpse of what it’ll look like. Milton shot also a new music video directed by Miron Zownir. It is the first single called “Treidler” of the new album of Rummelsnuff & Asbach. Have a look…
THE 5TH AGE, directed by Ingo Monitor (scene)
Rummelsnuff & Asbach- Treidler, directed by Miron Zownir (music video)