Into the spotlight #165

Into the spotlight #165
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DAS IMPERIUM wants to offer two paid internships.
You know someone who could be interested?
Pls email us at: georg@dasimperium.com. Thx.


RENÉ HEGER finished already the shooting for PURGATORIUM, directed by Chuck Borden. The movie is now in post production. Same with the French/ English feature film LINKS OF LIFE, directed by Marie- Hélène Roux which René also stars for next to Marie Bunel. Have a look at the first pictures of both projects…
rene heger
PURGATORIUM, directed by Chuck Borden
LINKS OF LIFE, directed by Marie- Hélène Roux
links of life01
links of life02

Pls have a look for a few really interesting clips for music, fashion or commercials our clients recently did.

RICHARD KEEP, stars for a new amazing beer commercial for Einstök Toasted Porter called FACE THE DARKNESS, directed by Andreas Bruns…
FACE THE DARKNESS, directed by Andreas Bruns (commercial)
Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-22 um 14.48.23
TÓMAS LEMARQUIS stars for the new music video “Slow Life” of the band Of Monsters and men, directed by Tjarnargatan, article. An incredible concept, have a look…
Of Monsters and men- Slow Life, directed by Tjarnargatan (music video)

KLARA MUCCI stars for the first Croatian fashion movie for Tamara Bombardelli, directed by Marcella Zanki. Klara is also part of the “Two sides of the mirror” fashion catalogue. The great short has its premiere at CANIFFF 2016 (Canadian International Film Festival)…
Klara Mucci
Tamara Bombardelli fashion short, directed by Marcella Zanki

CARO CULT stars for the new music video of Nugat to the song “Panics” (feat. Adi Space), directed by Dac Duy Nguyen…
Caro cult Kopie
NugatPanics (feat. Adi Space), directed by Dac Duy Nguyen (music video)

BLAKE WORRELL starred recently for lots of different projects. Here are just some scenes of new movies with him. DUST, directed by Alessandro Ubaldi, NEW YORK, directed by Katarina Jankovic and DREAM A LITTLE DREAM, directed by Tau Tau…
DUST, directed by Alessandro Ubaldi (scene)

NEW YORK, directed by Katarina Jankovic (scene)

DREAM A LITTLE DREAM, directed by Tau Tau (scene)

MATHILDE IRRMANN stars for the first time for a big TV movie production, EIN SOMMER IN SÜDFRANKREICH/ A SUMMER IN SOUTH FRANCE, directed by Jorgo Papavassiliou. She finished recently the shooting which she really enjoyed…
EIN SOMMER IN SÜDFRANKREICH/ A SUMMER IN SOUTH FRANCE, directed by Jorgo Papavassiliou (set picture)
