CARLOS LEAL finished his shooting for Ali Ahmadzade 3rd feature film PADIDEH which he also stars for. Here are the first pictures…
PADIDEH, directed by Ali Ahmadzade (scene pictures)
OLEG TIKHOMIROV finished his shooting for the film project TRENNPUNKT/ SEPARATING POINT directed by Sophia Bierend. Oleg plays the lead role in it. He also shot in Berlin for one episode of the series BERLIN STATION from the US TV station Epix with Richard Armitage as lead. He shot for Sam Gabarskis new cinema movie AUF WIEDERSEHEN DEUTSCHLAND/ GOODBYE GERMANY and is now shooting for the TV movie TEMPEL/ TEMPLE directed by Philipp Leinemann…
TRENNPUNKT/ SEPARATING POINT directed by Sophia Bierend (scene pictures)
KRISTINA KLEBE finished her shootings for two new feature film projects she stars for. DON’T KILL IT, directed by Mike Mendez, side by side with 80ies action icon Dolph Lundgren and another still untitled movie project…
DON’T KILL IT, directed by Mike Mendez (left) and for another still untitled movie project (right)
CHRISTIAN WAGNER in the free TV premier of the feature film SOLNESS, directed by Michael Klette after a adaption of H. Ibsens “Baumeister Solness”, April 14th/ 11 pm/ Arte. During the last month he had rehearsals in Vienna for CELLAR DOOR, directed by Thomas Bo Nilsson, Jens Lassak, Julian Wolf Eickewhich. It has its premier at Schauspielhaus Wien on April 14th, info. 3 weeks it will be also online. A interactive game were you can communicate and controle the characters. Check it out, website, article and trailer. For his role Christian became blonde…
SOLNESS, directed by Michael Klette (behind the scenes footage)
Blonde for CELLAR DOOR, directed by Thomas Bo Nilsson, Jens Lassak, Julian Wolf Eicke
DOROTHEE KRÜGER stars for a new theatre play at the English Theatre Berlin called THE MOST UNSATISFIED TOWN, directed by Daniel Brunet, info. Dorothee is playing two roles. Last Thursday was the premier and the audience went crazy, review. Check it out, there are performances until April 21st…
THE MOST UNSATISFIED TOWN, directed by Daniel Brunet (performance pictures)