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ESKINDIR TESFAY stars for the new viral internet sensation, the fan movie
STAR WARS: DARTH MAUL APPRENTICE directed by Shawn Bu, info.
Check it out…
STAR WARS: DARTH MAUL APPRENTICE, directed by Shawn Bu (short)
LEANDRO TAUB, stars for a new Spanish tv series project called DIARIOS DE UN SANTO DIABLO/ DIARY OF A HOLY DEVIL, directed by Joan Cutrina which is developed for him. Leandro will visit different places, cults, masters, teachers, specials to experience and find out more about who we are, why we are here etc. Pls have a look at the trailer below….
DIARIOS DE UN SANTO DIABLO/ DIARY OF A HOLY DEVIL, directed by Joan Cutrina (trailer)
NANA GHANA is an iconic multi-talented artist, from Venice Beach who is also an actress who stars at recently for the feature film THE INSTITUTE, directed by Pamela Promanowsky and produced by James Franco. James Franco also stars for the movie besides Pamela Anderson, Scott Haze and other great talents. She was recently also the centre of the new Stella McCartney collection for L.A. called “One city One Girl”, info and stars also in James Francos Studio 4 web series MAKING A SCENE/ episode MURDERED WITH CHILDREN where James Franco took some of his favorite movie scenes from the most famous films of all time to re-imagine them in his own special way. So pls have a look, info…
MAKING A SCENE by James Franco (episode)
THE INSTITUTE, directed by Pamela Promanowsky (set picture)
One city One Girl: L.A. by Stella McCartney (presentation video)
BORIS KODJOE has officially joined the cast of CBS’ CODE BLACK with his recurring role as Dr. Will Campbell “a suave surgeon whose surgical skills and personal charm are only outweighed by his ego.”, info...
CBS’ series CODE BLACK (scene)
ROXANE MESQUIDA produced together with Jacob Worrel the Drama/ Docufiction short film FUCKIN WHITE BOY, directed by Frederic Da. A delusional white rapper takes to the streets of Hollywood to get his music heard, selected at Frontale Film Festival 2015, info…
FUCKIN WHITE BOY, directed by Frederic Da (trailer)
KRISTINA KLEBE, stars again for the next movie adaption of the novels by bestseller author Katie Fforde called KATIE FFORDE- DIE FRAU AN SEINER SEITE/ KATIE FFORDE- THE WOMAN AT HIS SIDE, directed by Carlo Rola, info. Kristina was also recemtly nominated for the Jupiter Award for her performance in KAFKAS DER BAU, directed by Jochen Alexander Freydank…
LEONARD KUNZ, stars for one episode of the very known German crime series SOKO WISMAR- ZU SPÄT/ SOKO WISMAR- TOO LATE, directed by Steffi Doehlemann, you can still watch it in the mediathek. He finished recently the shooting for the movie project JENNY, directed by Lea Becker which he stars for and is now shooting for the well known German action series ALARM FÜR COBRA 11/ ALERT FOR COBRA 11, directed by Kai Meyer-Ricks. He was also featured in the new music video of Prinz Pi for the song “1,40m”…
SOKO WISMAR- ZU SPÄT/ SOKO WISMAR- TOO LATE, directed by S. Doehlemann (scenes)
JENNY, directed by Lea Becker (scene picture)
Prinz Pi “1,40m” (music video)