COSMINA STRATAN, stars for the Danish/ Swedish feature film SHELLEY, directed by Ali Abbasi. Premier at the Berlinale in the section Panorama & in the competition for movies from a first time director…so fingers crossed!!!! info…

SHELLEY, directed by Ali Abbasi (scene picture)

MALGRÉ LA NUIT/ DESPITE THE NIGHT, directed by Philippe Grandrieux (production picture)

HUANG LU…our absolutely gorgeous chinese client is back! She stars for the Chinese feature film SAN FU TIAN/ DOG DAYS, directed by Jordan Schiele. Screened in the section Panorama Special, info...

GISA FLAKE stars for the German/ French/ British cinema project ALONE IN BERLIN, directed by Vincent Perez. She plays side by side with Emma Thompson and Daniel Brühl. This movie will run in the main competition at the Berlinale, info…

MILTON WELSH, stars for the German feature film CONTINUITY, directed by Omer Fast. It will be shown in the section Forum Expanded, info. During the Berlinale there will be also some first screenings of REBORN, directed by Rodja Tröscher which Milton also stars for…

REBORN, directed by Rodja Tröscher (trailer)
CHRISTIAN WAGNER, stars for the German/ Spanish feature film TORO, directed by Martin Hawie in the section Perspektive Deutsches Kino/ Perspective German cinema, info. Christian has also a funny supporting role in ER IST WIEDER DA/ LOOK WHO’S BACK, directed by David Wnendt in the section LOLA at Berlinale, info. The Boddinale which is another festival during the Berlinale time, will screen ANNA UND HERR GOETHE/ ANNA AND MR. GOETHE, directed by Kati Thiemer which he also stars for, info…
TORO, directed by Martin Hawie (scene)
ER IST WIEDER DA/ LOOK WHO’S BACK, directed by David Wnendt (teaser)
ANNA UND HERR GOETHE/ ANNA AND MR. GOETHE, directed by Kati Thiemer (trailer)
RASHA BUKVIC, stars for the 1st season of the Arte TV serial CANNABIS, directed by Lucie Borleteau. He plays the role of Mirko Tiric, one of gang members who developed the business in Marbella, Spain. He also stars for the 3rd season of the CANAL + TV serial BRAQUO, drected by Frederic Jardinand. Rasha plays the role of Francois Holin, the ex soldier of LEGION OF STRANGERS…
CANNABIS, directed by Lucie Borleteau (scene picture)