Hello friends…awards and new projects of our clients which we want to share with you. Have a funky, sunny start into the week. Thanks and greetz from the Das Imperium Talent Agency crew…Anne, Anna, Manuel & Georg
The Emerging Swiss Talent Award is bestowed upon a Swiss film and went this year at Zurich film festival to the beautiful & mysterious THE MIRACLE OF TEKIR directed by Ruxandra Zenide (Switzerland) which DOROTHEEA PETRE stars for and BOGDAN DUMITRACHE (awarded as best actor in Locarno 2011 and at the Gopo awards 2011 + 2012) plays a great supporting role for, info…
THE MIRACLE OF TEKIR directed by Ruxandra Zenide (trailer)
JUDITH WILLIQUET is now represented by Das Imperium Talent Agency, an amazing new talent which played already the lead role in different short movies like LES CORPS CONDUCTEURS, directed by Zeno Graton. She stars for the feature film MONKEY SANDWICH, directed by Wim Vandekeybus and next to JERRY KILLICK another great actor and talent of Das Imperium Talent Agency. We already mentioned there are screenings of three projects with DAMIEN CHAPELLE at the FIFF. Judith stars also for SOMMEIL DES AMAZONES, directed by Bérangère McNeese, info and JAY PARMI LES HOMMES, directed by Zeno Graton, info. She has also a small part in the clip AFFLUX DE LUXE with Damien which was directed by Marine Dricot and Milo Gonya (picture below), info…
LES CORPS CONDUCTEURS, directed by Zeno Graton (short)
AFFLUX DE LUXE directed by Marine Dricot and Milo Gonya (still)
CARLOS LEAL & SILVIA BUSUIOC who is now also represented by Das Imperium Talent Agency star for the new Swiss/ German historical TV major project GOTTHARD, directed by Urs Eger. The story, told in two parts, about the longest railway tunnel build in 1872. A construction of it’s own for this time which claimed many victims. New pictures of Carlos’ new look and the first of the production itself, info. SILVIA BUSUIOC stars also for #SELFIE 2, directed by Cristina Iacob which is the sequel to the most successful feature film in Romania (OLIMPIA MELINTE another talent of Das Imperium Talent Agency stars also for it) and she finished also the feature film UNTITLED, directed by Chris Loizou…
GOTTHARD, directed by Urs Eger (production still)
MAX HEGEWALD & MARKO MANDIC, both of them star for NACKT UNTER WÖLFEN/ NAKED BETWEEN WOLVES directed by Philipp Kadelbach based on a best seller true story written by Bruno Apitz. The movie project won the Grand Prize at Seoul international drama awards. The project pushed through international competitors like the US series “Empire” and the BBC mini series “Wolf Hall” and is the first German production which was awarded with the king category. Seoul international drama awards is one of the renowned TV festivals worldwide. It was a decision of 212 submitted TV productions from 48 countries, info…
NACKT UNTER WÖLFEN/ NAKED BETWEEN WOLVES directed by Philipp Kadelbach (still)
DANIEL STEINER, investigates again as Lorenz Rettig for the new season of of the well known German crime series SOKO LEIPZIG. A very special character he made completely his own. From October 2nd every Friday, 09:15 pm on ZDF, info…