Hello everybody, let’s go on with our funky business. Here a few really interesting news of our clients which we want to share with you. So please have a look and keep them in mind because…. Greetz from mega busy L.A., rock on Anne, Manuel & Georg
BORIS KODJOE, stars for the first time for the international South African/German tv series MAT JOUBERT- DEAD BEFORE DYING, directed by Peter Ladkani. He is actually shooting in Cape Town & this tv serie is produced by Annette Reeker´s All-In-Productions Munich & Out of Africa production Cape Town, info. The series is based on South African´s best selling author Deon Meyer´s crime series who said he’s deeply honoured and very excited about the project and the cast, info. Other international cast members include Germany’s Axel Milberg, Poland’s Marcin Dorociński, Russian-born Isolda Dychauk…
From left: Trond Espen Seim, Peter Ladkani, Annette Reeker & Boris Kodjoe
Fox Searchlight has tapped BORIS KODJOE “THE REAL HUSBANDS OF HOLLY WOOD” (please have a look below with another client KRISTINA KLEBE) for a mystery role for their very successful TV series THE LAST MAN ON EARTH. The single- camera comedy stars Will Forte as an average guy — Phil Miller — who appears to be the only survivor of a deadly virus that has wiped out humanity. The show is a comedy, which features Phil discovering what life is like when no one is telling you what you can and cannot do, info.
And another great great news from our client Boris Kodjoe who will host with his wife Nicole Ari Parker THE BORIS AND NICOLE SHOW for Fox Searchlight. The married Hollywood couple Boris Kodjoe and Nicole Ari Parker will air on select Fox-owned stations in several markets, including New York and LA, beginning July 6th. The series will bring the couple’s take on topics ranging from current events to parenting and relationships, said Stephen Brown, EVP Programming and Development at FTS. Celebrity guests also will be featured. Kodjoe and Parker will serve as co-executive producers under Kirschbaum Productions, info.
And…don’t forget BORIS KODJOE as brand ambassador. Here in one of four commercials for Ford automobile. Two of them directed also by him…
ACHTUNG BERLIN Festival April 15th- 22nd
ANNA KÖNIG, stars for DAS FLOß!/ FLOATING! directed by Julia C. Kaiser. It’s the Berlin premier of the movie in the competition for best feature film, info…
COSIMA CIUPEK, stars for SIN & ILLY STILL ALIVE directed Maria Hengge. Also a Berlin premier and in the competition for best feature film, info…
JESSY MORAVEC, stars for KORRIDOR NR. 50/ CORRIDOR NO. 50, directed by Evy Schubert. It’s the world premier of the movie and will be screened in the category middle length feature film, info…
…last but not least MIRA FURLAN for FÜR IMMER/ FOREVER, directed by Nina Pourlak. Recently it won the award for best feature film at the Grenzlandfilmtage, info. Berlin premier, category Berlin Highlights, info…