NEWS - into the spotlight #221 We are more than happy to announce that.. FALK HENTSCHEL: (You may know from "TRANSCENDENCE" and his main role in "LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" Just finished the shooting in a lead-role for Oscar winning director Robert Zemeckis' real-life drama. To read the announcement in "The Hollywood Reporter". Coming out soon: FALK HENTSCHEL in THE ALIENIST by Michael Ironside with Daniel Brühl. A click on the picture guides you to the trailer.NEWS FROM PAST FILM FESTIVAL NAMUR: DAMIEN CHAPELLE who you might know from Lacoste's amazing timeless commercial from 2017. Stars as lead in the french cinema movie ESPECES MENACES by Gilles Bourdos, which was shown in the main competition of the festival. If you want to see the trailer please click the picture.
NAHUEL PEREZ BISCAYART in the french cinema-movie SI TU VOYAIS SON CŒUR/IF YOU SAW HIS HEART by Joan Chemla which is also part of the main competition. Nahuel plays the leadrole next to Gael Garcia Bernal.
And JUDITH WILLIQUIET stars in the two short-films HIMINN OPINN by Clyde Gates & Gabriel Sanson and CALAMITY by Maxime Freyers & Séverine de Streyker which was part of the short-film section. Screenshot from HIMINN OPINN:
NEWS FROM CAPETOWN FILMFESTIVAL: LEANDRO TAUB starrs as lead in the south-african indian cinema-coproduction WOODWIND by Finn Manjoo which is shown in the main-competition at the festival. If You want to see the trailer please click on the picture.
NEWS FROM FILMFEST HAMBURG: MARTIN SCHNEIDER starrs in the german cinema-movie ICEMAN by Felix Randau which has its German cinema-premiere at the festival. Please click on the picture to see the trailer
MICHALINA OLSZANSKA rocks as lead at Alexej Uchitiel`s controversial big budget cinema movie MATHILDE with Lars Eidinger as Czar Nicolaus which had its German premiere at the festival in Hamburg. If you want to see the trailer please click on the picture.
WRAPPED: VICTOIRE LALY leading-role in the pilot for a special VR-series-project MIRIQUIDO by Annekathrin Wetzel. More about this here.
NEW REPRESENTED BY DAS IMPERIUM: DORO MÜGGLER We are happy to welcome Doro on board. She can be currently watched in the Swiss cinema-movie FLITZER by Peter Luisi, which will be released in Germany soon. Please click on the picture to watch the trailer!
NEWS – into the spotlight #208
We are more than happy to announce that..
GRAND PRIX of the jury of Cannes Film Festival goes to 120 BATTEMENTS PAR MINUTE/120 BEATS PER MINUTE, directed by Robin Campillo, with NAHUEL PEREZ BISCAYART in the lead role.
“Best performance: Nahuel Perez Biscayart in ´120 Beats per Minute´ is as good as Best Actor winner Joaquin Phoenix was in ´You were never really here`; the real revelation of Cannes was Biscayart<..>” info..
PALME DÒR for BEST SHORT FILM goes to the Chinese feature film A GENTLE NIGHT, directed by Qiu Yang with our talent HUANG LU in one of the lead roles.
NAHUEL PEREZ BISCAYART & 120 BATTEMENTS PAR MINUTE, directed by Robin Campillo.(below: production set picture, picture from Cannes Film Festival & a trailer)
HUANG LU & A GENTLE NIGHT, directed by Qiu Yang. (trailer below)
MADALINA BELLARIU ION, who`s known for her role in THE YOUNG POPE, directed by Paolo Sorentinno, alongside Jude Law, now appears in DOBAARA: SEE YOUR EVIL, an Indian horror movie, directed by Prawaal Raman and Leena Tandon. The movie had its premiere in India on June 2!!
DOBAARA: SEE YOUR EVIL, directed by Prawaal Raman & Leena Tandon. (trailer)
MEHDI MESKAR starred in LES ENGAGES/THE COMMITMENTS(not an official translation) the TV series about LGBT community located in Lyon, created by Sullivan Le Postec.
The trailer of the first episode aired on May 17 on the occasion of the World Day Against Homophobia, the following episodes will be shown every Wednesday and Friday on French TV channel Studio 4. The next episode, called SÁSSOCIER, will air on June 9.
Upon its release, the press has called it “one of the most beautiful French webseries on the LGBT universe”, info..
Also, Mehdi just finished his first lead role in one of the episodes of the most popular German crime series TATORT, called DER PAKT, which was directed by Zoltan Spirandelli.
LES ENGAGES, created by Sullivan Le Postec. (trailer)
DAMIEN CHAPELLE, a multi talented Belgian actor (musician, dancer..) starred in the new beautiful commercial for the fashion brand LACOSTE.
TIMELESS for Lacoste, directed by Seb Edwards.
TIMELESS by LACOSTE, directed by Seb Edwards (below:Director`s cut; Making of & a set picture)
ANNA PROCHNIAK, who we might remember from the feature film THE INNOCENTS, directed by Anne Fontaine, just finished her role in the Nordic thriller MULES, written and directed by Börkur Sigthorsson.
MULES, written and directed by Börkur Sigthorsson. (production set picture)
MARIA EVOLI starred in the short film ESTAMOS JUGANDO A QUE SI/WE ARE PLAYING AS IF, directed by Monica Burciaga. The film will be shown at the Cineteca Nacional Mexico (cinema in Mexico) on June 2, at 7 pm (Mexico time).

NEWS – into the spotlight #207
JEAN-MARC BARR, the actor we know from Luc Bessons<strong> <span style="font-size: 12pt;">LE GRAND BLEU/THE BIG BLUE</span></strong><span style="font-size: 12pt;"> </span>or Lars von Trier
Now has starred in the short film WHOEVER WAS USING THIS BED, directed by Andrew Kotatko, alongside Radha Mitchell & Jane Birkin.
Andrew Kotatko’s adaptation racked up a huge international acclaim, after participating at the Cinalfama Lisbon International Film Awards, the film has scored two new awards: Best Short Feature and Best Director. In so far, the film won 9 awards and was nominated 19 times, info..
On June 5th-14th, the film will participate in the OtherMovie Lugano Film Festival, and on June 14th-24th, it will participate in its 45th festival, the 12th Cyprus International Film Festival in Greece.
Also, JEAN-MARC BARR played the lead role in the feature film DOPO LA GUERRA/AFTER THE WAR, directed by Annarita Zambrano. The film had its premiere at the Cannes Film Festival 2017, as a part of the Un Certain Regard section.
Jean-Marc Barr, was not able to participate at the Cannes Film Festival, due to his new role in the Slovakian cinema movie CELLAR, directed by Igor Voloshin, alongside another our talent JOHN ROBINSON.
WHOEVER WAS USING THIS BED, directed by Andrew Kotatko (interview with Jean-Marc Barr)
WHOEVER WAS USING THIS BED, directed by Andrew Kotatko (trailer)
DOPO LA GUERRA/AFTER THE WAR, directed by Annarita Zambrano. (extract from the film)
SILVIA BUSUIOC starred in the feature film UNTITLED, directed by Chris Loizou, the film won the award – The Best Film during the Nice International Filmmaker Festival. As for now, the film got 18 nominations and 9 wins, info..
Also, Silvia is starring as one of the lead characters in BELLA GERMANIA, a trilogy, directed by Gregor Schnitzler.
Furthermore..In late 2017, will air the film SNOWMAN, directed by Tomas Alfredson, in which Silvia starred alongside Michael Fassbender.
Recently Silvia gave an interview about her career, read the full interview under the link, info..
UNTITLED, directed by Chris Loizou (trailer)
Silvia Busuioc during the awards at the Nice International Filmmaker Festival, next to director Chris Loizou.
MEHDI NEBBOU, ELINA VASKA & MARUSA MAJER starred in ARTE`s project – Couch Therapy for couples, info..
MEHDI NEBBOU & FRIEDERIKE KEMPTER, directed by Johann Buchholz. (short film).
ELINA VASKA & ESBEN SMED, directed by Johann Buchholz. (short film)
MARUSA MAJER & ALESSANDRO BORGHI, directed by Tiphaine Donà. (short film)
JULIE BURKARDT starred in the short film DEINE ZUKUNFT, directed by Jan GALLI. The film participates at the Cannes Film Festival 2017, info..
DEINE ZUKUNFT, directed by Jan GALLI. (trailer)
DOMINIK WOJCIK starred in the great short film HUNT, directed by Engin Kundag. The film will be shown at the 17th German – French – Shortfilm Redez-vous in Strasbourg on June 1st, info..
HUNT, directed by Engin Kundag. (trailer)
VICTOIRE LALLY performs in the theatre piece CALL ME QUEEN, directed by Thandi Sebe. The show had its premiere at the Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, on May, 25th! You can still see the show till May, 28th. info..
CALL ME QUEEN, directed by Thandi Sebe. (production picture)
NEWS – into the spotlight #206
BORIS KODJOE starred in the CBS´s TV series CODE BLACK. The series will be renewed for the Season 3!
Also, BORIS KODJOE & NICOLE ARI PARKER lead a TV show THE BORIS & NICOLE SHOW, created by Boris & Nicole. The show broadcasts on several Fox-owned TV stations.
Pls check the profiles of Boris & Nicole, and watch the the show below!
TV show THE BORIS & NICOLE SHOW. (full episode)
LEONARDO NIGRO won the award of the BEST ACTOR IN SWITZERLAND 2016 at the Swiss Awards – Prix Walo, info..
Also, Leonardo starred in the Swiss – Italian cinema movie RIMETTI A NOI I NOSTRI DEBITI, directed by Antonio Morabito.
Pls check out Leonardo`s new showreel in Italian & in German, also the set pictures from RIMETTI A NOI I NOSTRI DEBITI.SHOWREEL (in German)
SHOWREEL (in Italian)
RIMETTI A NOI I NOSTRI DEBITI, directed by Antonio Morabito. (production set pictures)
ADAM IDL ROHWEDER is starring in the new Danish TV series YESNOMAYBE, directed by Mads Grage. The series airs on May, 21, on one of the most famous Danish radio channel 3 (DR3).
Also, Adam just finished his role in the feature film HOLIDAY, directed by Isabella Eklöf.
Pls check Adam`s profile & a set picture below!official translation)
YESNOMAYBE, directed by Mads Grage. (production set picture)
NADJA SETTEL starred in the Argentinian drama NADIE NOS MIRA/NOBODYS WATCHING</strong>,</span> directed by Julia Solomonoff. The film premiered in Argentina on May, 18.</span><a href="">
S WATCHING, directed by Julia Solomonoff. (trailer)
</a><a href=""><img class="alignnone wp-image-18929" src="" alt="" width="600" height="424" /></a><span style="font-family: verdana, geneva, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; color: #000000;"><strong> NADIE NOS MIRA/NOBODY
KEVIN BRAND starred in the music video for the German band Valsa, in their song HAPPY PINK PILLS.VALSA – HAPPY PINK PILLS (Marek Hemmann Remix). (official video)
NEWS – into the spotlight #205
IN THE COMPETITION FEATURE FILM/ our talents stars in:
VALERIU ANDRIUTA, stars in KROTKAYA/A GENTLE CREATURE, directed by Sergei Loznitsa.
NAHUEL PEREZ BASCAYART, stars as co-lead in 120 BATTEMENTS PAR MINUTE/120 BEATS PER MINUTE, directed by Robin Campillo.
NABIHA AKKARI stars in HAPPY END, directed by Michael Haneke, next to Isabelle Huppert.
IN THE COMPETITION SHORT FILM/ our talents stars in:
IN THE SECTION MARKET SCREENING/ our talents stars in:
JOHN ROBINSON & JEAN MARC-BARR, who starred in the US feature film CUT OFF, directed by Jowan Carbin.
Also, JEAN MARC-BARR starred in the film WHOEVER WAS USING THIS BED, directed by Andrew Kotatko. The film will be screened in the competition at the glorious Il Varco International Short Film Festival in Pescara, Italy on May, 12th. This film is already the winner of Grand Jury Prize and the winner of Best Picture at the Baretower Forge World Film Competition 2017.The series will be renewed for the Season 3!
VALERIU ANDRIUTA & KROTKAYA/A GENTLE CREATURE, directed by Sergei Loznitsa. (production set picture below)
NAHUEL PEREZ BASCAYART & a trailer of 120 BATTEMENTS PAR MINUTE/120 BEATS PER MINUTE, directed by Robin Campillo.
NABIHA AKKARI & HAPPY END, directed by Michael Haneke. (production set picture)
HUANG LU in XIAO CHENG ER YUE/A GENTLE NIGHT, directed by QIU Yang. (trailer)
JOHN ROBINSON & JEAN MARC-BARR in CUT OFF, directed by Jowan Carbin. (trailer)
JEAN MARC-BARR in WHO EVER WAS USING THIS BED, directed by Andrew Kotatko. (trailer)
SILVIA BUSUIOC with the feature film UNTITLED, directed by Chris Loizou, has been nominated at the International Filmmaker Festival – Nice during the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, for 5 prestigious awards; by now the film already got 13 nominations, 5 wins and 5 pending, info.. The film premieres on the 19th of May in Nice.
Also Silvia is selected for “Talent Corner Program” at the Cannes Film Festival 2017.
SILVIA BUSUIOC in UNTITLED, directed by Chris Loizou. (trailer)
MEHDI MESKAR is starring in the most popular German crime TV series TATORT, in the episode DER PAKT, directed by Zoltan Spirandelli.
Pls check Mehdi`s preview & the set picture below!
OLIMPIA MELINTE & FLAVIA HOJDA starred in the promo video for the Romanian film festival – Transilvania International Film Festival 2017, directed Anton Groves.
Transilvania International Film Festival 2017, directed Anton Groves. (promo video)
MALIK ADAN recently starred in the music video for a German band RIN, ICH WILL DAS SU MICH BRAUCHST.
Pls check Malik`s profile and the music video below !
NEWS – into the spotlight #204
And again MICHALINA OLZANSKA, who stars in a documentary drama series 18 – CLASH OF FUTURES, directed by Jan Peter & co-directed by Frederic Goupil.
Michalina just finished her role for the Polish drama SYN KROLOWE SNIEGU/THE SON OF SNOW QUEEN, a modern fairy tale, directed by Robert Wichrowski.
She also stars in the Russian historical drama SOBIBOR, directed by Andrey Malyukov, the film will have its premiere in Russia on May 5.
Pls check Michalina`s profile, set pictures below and the trailer below!
18 – CLASH OF FUTURES, directed by Jan Peter & co-directed by Frederic Goupil. (production set pictures):
SYN KROLOWE SNIEGU/THE SON OF SNOW QUEEN, directed by Robert Wichrowski.(production set pictures):
SOBIBOR, directed by Andrey Malyukov. (trailer)(only in Russian language):
LEONARDO NIGRO just finished starring in two Swiss projects:SEITENTRIEBE, a TV series, written & directed by Güzin Kar, and in the feature film IL MANGIATORE DI PIETRE, directed by Nicola Bellucci.
On Saturday, May 6th, he is participating in the popular Swiss TV prime time Live-Show HELLO AGAIN, next to stars like Germany`s top star Helene Fischer, info..
Pls check the profile of Leonardo and the set pictures below.SEITENTRIEBE, directed by Güzin Kar. (production set picture)
IL MANGIATORE DI PIETRE, directed by Nicola Bellucci. (production set picture)
CHRISTIAN WAGNER starred in the music video for the German band I AM GIANT, in their song called DEAD FLOWER.
Pls check out Christian`s profile and the music video below!
I AM GIANT – DEAD FLOWER. (music video)
BRYERLY LONG starred in Fukada Koji’s feature film SAYONARA, the film will have its premiere in France on May 10.
SAYONARA, directed by Fukada Koji. (trailer)
VICTOIRE LALY is preparing for the theatre piece CALL ME QUEEN, directed by Thandi Sebe. The show will be presented at the Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, a theatre that focuses on post-migrant cultural productions, info..
Don`t miss the show at the Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, on May, 25!CALL ME QUEEN, directed by Thandi Sebe (production set picture)
Newly represented by DAS IMPERIUM!
Madalina is a Romanian actress, who lives in London. She has performed in various stage plays. Her most notable television appearance was in the TV series THE YOUNG POPE, alongside Jude Law, directed by Paolo Sorrentino.
Madalina’s Bollywood debut is with an Indian horror film DOBAAR:SEE YOUR EVIL, directed by Prawaal Ramana and Leena Tandon, the film will premiere in India on May, 19.
In 2016 she starred in the drama UNDERCOVER HOOLIGAN, directed by Nicholas Winter.
This year Madalina stars in the horror film ROCK BAND VS VAMPIRES, directed by Raed Abbas, and in the Italian comedy ALICE NON LO SA, directed by Diego Amodio.
Madalina has also just been cast for the feature film HOMELESS ASHES, directed by Marc Zammit.
Madalina is native Romanian speaker and speaks fluently in English, Italian, French, Spanish and Hindi!!!

NEWS – into the SPOTLIGHT #194
Hi everybody,
Life is a great gift to experience and to celebrate time together – out of comfort zones and habits…there, where the magic can happen.
That´s why every year we celebrate THE GLITTERRRRRR, a special shiny party, from artists for artists, at the Berlinale…
Here are few pictures (by Alina Albrecht ( of our crazy, shiny dressed crowd & a little trailer, filmed by Tasya Levana Martin & her friend, edited by Alina Albrecht. Thx.
Photos from the GLITERRRR party
NEWS – into the SPOTLIGHT #191
DAS IMPERIUM is proud to announce, that several of our talents are starring in films selected for various BERLINALE sections.
ARLY JOVER, MILTON WELSH and JAMES FLYNN star in the great Czech/Slovakian production MASARYK, directed by Julius Sevcík. The film just recieved a nomination for the CZECH LION AWARDS 2017 (ARLY for Best Supporting Actress) in Prague and will now be presented at the 67th BERLINALE within the section BERLINALE SPECIAL for its world premiere on February, 17th. info..
And more great news for our talents mentioned above:
The German feature film AXOLOTL OVERKILL, directed by Helene Hegemann, in which ARLY JOVER also played an important supporting role, received a fantastic review by the critics at this year’s SUNDANCE FESTIVAL, where the movie had its world premiere (info…).
Pls check their profiles, pictures and the trailers below!
MASARYK (2016), directed by Julius Sevcík (HD teaser)
ARLY JOVER in AXOLOTL OVERKILL (2017), directed by Helene Hegemann (production picture)
MEHDI NEBBOU stars in the Swiss/Austrian/Polish co-production TIERE/ANIMALS (2017), directed by Greg Zglinski. The movie was selected for the BERLINALE FORUM section, in which avantgarde and more experimental film projects are presented, and will have its world premiere at the 67th BERLINALE on February, 13th. info…
Recently German ARTE MAGAZIN published an interesting portrait of MEHDI, which addresses questions about playing and overcoming stereotypical characters. The online version of this article will be availabe on Feb, 6th (link…).
MEHDI NEBBOU im ARTE Magazin (Ausgabe 2.2017)
LEONARDO NIGRO will be appear on screen at the 67th BERLINALE, starring in ZWISCHEN DEN JAHREN/END OF THE SEASON (2017), directed by Lars Henning. The German feature film will be presented in the section PERSPEKTIVE DEUTSCHES KINO and will have its world premiere on February, 14th. info…
Also LEONARDO NIGRO & SIMONETTA SOLDER star together in the next episode of SOKO KÖLN with the title ARRIVEDERCI BRUNO, which will be aired on February, 7th on ZDF network at 6:00pm CET. info…
LEONARDO NIGRO in ZWISCHEN DEN JAHREN/END OF THE SEASON (2017), directed by Lars Henning (trailer)
OLEG TIKHOMIROV plays a supporting character (alongside MORITZ BLEIBTREU) in the German/Luxemburgish/Belgian co-production ES WAR EINMAL IN DEUTSCHLAND/BYE BYE GERMANY, directed by Sam Garbarski (2017).
The movie will premier at the 67th BERLINALE FILM FESTIVAL on February, 10th within the section BERLINALE SPECIAL. info…
Pls check Oleg’s profile, the trailer and production set picture below!
ES WAR EINMAL IN DEUSCHLAND/BYE BYE GERMANY (2017), directed by Sam Garbarski (trailer)
(production set picture of Oleg in an uncanny German uniform)
VICTOIRE LALY and OLIVIA KUNDISCH star together in the German production of THE MISANDRISTS (2017), directed by controversial great Canadian director Bruce LaBruce, which will be presented in the section BERLINALE PANORAMA at the 67th BERLINALE. Its world premiere will take place on February, 13th info….
Pls check their profiles (1st Victoire, 2nd Olivia Kundisch), the trailer and the production set picture below!
VICTOIRE LALY & OLIVIA KUNDISCH in THE MISANDRISTS, directed by Bruce LaBruce (2017) (trailer and prod. set picture)
ELINA VASKA & MARUSA MAJER will be presented with the EUROPEAN SHOOTING STARS Award at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival 2017.
Both actresses are newly represented dy DAS IMPERIUM TALENT AGENCY.
Pls check their profiles below!
ELINA VASKA was a spontaneous discovery with almost no acting experience, who then like a force of nature, made her marvelous breakthrough with playing lead in her debut MELLOW MUD, directed by Renars Vimba (2016).
Elina is native Latvian and speaks English fluently.
ELINA VASKA in MELLOW MUD, directed by Renars Vimba (2015)
MARUSA MAJER is an actress from Slovenia, where she has worked for cinema and theatre. In 2013, she received the Best Actress Award at the International Festival of Children’s Theatres in Serbia’s Subotica for her performance in Mini Teater’s production of LITTLE SLEEPY STAR. Maruša played the female lead roles in AVTOŠOLA/DRIVING SCHOOL (2014) and IVAN (2017) both directed by Janez Burger. She also appeared in Darko Sinko’s short film SOŠOLKI/SCHOOLMATES (2015).
Maruša is native Slovenian and speaks English fluently.
MARUSA MAJER in DRIVING SCHOOL, directed by Janez Burger 2014
MEHDI MESKAR, ALEX POTOCEAN & AISTE DIRZIUTE will be participants of the Summit programme of the BERLINALE TALENTS 2017. info…
Pls check their profiles below!
SVANDIS DORA EINARSDOTTIR received a nomination as Best Suporting Actress at the ISLANDIC EDDA AWARDS 2017 for her performance in the Islandic comedy FYRIR FRAMAN ANNAD FÓLK/IN FRONT OF OTHERS, directed by Óskar Jónasson (2016). info…
Pls check her profile and the movie trailer!
MARK KLEUSKENS is now represented by DAS IMPERIUM…
MARK KLEUSKENS, used to be a well-known DJ in the 80’s in Holland, Germany, Spain and Ibiza and in the 90’s he was the singer of the Dutch hardrock band ‘Sudden Death’.
In 1994 Mark made his debut in a Dutch TV-series called COVERSTORY , in which he played the role of a crime scene investigator for two years.
Ever since Mark appeared in more than 130 film- and TV-productions in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Austria and Spain, he shot for TV series such as MOORDVROUW (2016) (the series aired on January 17th, 2017 in Netherlands), A´DAM – E.V.A. (2014), FLIKKEN MAASTRICHT (2012) and at least in VECHTERSHART, directed by Lourens Blok and KLEM, two Dutch TV-series, which will have their release in 2017.
He worked together with inspiring directors such as Theu Boermans, Jean van de Velde, Paul Verhoeven and Michael Apted.
NEWS – into the SPOTLIGHT #190
We decided to split our news into two Newsletters for this week because…
ESKINDIR TESFAY, actor who besides acting, works as a martial arts choreographer and a stunt men, stars in the Chinese action-comedy production KUNG-FU YOGA alongside Jackie Chan, directed by Stanley Tong. A new action-packed trailer with amazing footage of ESKINDIR has just been released. Enjoy!
Pls check his profile and the trailer below!
ESKINDIR TESFAY in KUNG-FU YOGA (2017), directed by Stanley Tong
DAS LANDGERICHT (2017), directed by Matthias Glasner, where he played an important supporting role. The first part aired on January, 30th on the German network ZDF and can still
be watched on the ZDF Mediathek website link…. The second part is to be aired on February,
1st – also on ZDF – at 20:15h CET.

LEONARD KUNZ just won the award for Best Junior Actor at the MAX-OPHÜLS-
PREIS FILMFESTIVAL 2017 for his outstanding performance in the German movie
JENNY (2017), directed by Lea Becker. info…
Pls check the picture from the award show and the trailer below!
LEONARD KUNZ in JENNY, directed by Lea Becker (2017)
SILVIA BUSUIOC stars as an interesting supporting character in the new TV adaption
of LETHAL WEAPON (2016 – ), created by Matthew Miller. The episode called SURF’N’TURF
(original title)/FISH & CHIPS (official German title) featuring SILVIA will air on February, 13th
on the German TV channel Sat 1 at 20:15 (CET).
Pls check her profile and the video below!
RUDOLF MARTIN is now represented by DAS IMPERIUM…
Rudolf Martin is a German actor, born and raised in Berlin. After his theatrical education, he
established an acting carrer in New York City. He is know for his performances in international
feature film productions such as PASSWORD SWORDFISH, directed by Dominic Sena
(2001), PIG/IDENTITY REPORT, directed by Henry Barrial (2011) and TV movie
production DARK PRINCE , directed by Joe Chappelle (2000) and his reoccuring roles in popular American TV shows such as 24, NAVI NCIS and CHOOSERS & BEGGARS.
He also played various guest roles in a lot of famous TV series like MAD MEN, DEXTER, THE MENTALIST – to name only a few. Lately he was starring in the pilot for the TV adaptation of LETHAL WEAPON (just like DAS IMPERIUM talent SILVIA BUSUIOC). Rudolf recently moved back to Berlin and work between US & Germany.
Rudolf Martin is native German and speaks English fluently.
CROSSING, directed by Arthur Ian 2016 (trailer)
PIG, directed by Henry Barrial 2011 (trailer)
HYENAS, directed by Eric Weston 2011 (trailer)
ARLY JOVER is now nominated as Best Supporting Actress for CZECH LION AWARDS 2017 for her incredible performance in the Czech/Slovakian production A PROMINENT PATIENT/MASARYK, directed by Julius Sevcík, in which also MILTON WELSH and JAMES FLYNN starred info….
MICHALINA OLSZANSKA is nominated as Best Actress for her outstanding performance leading in the Czech biopic I, OLGA HEPNAROVA, directed by Petr Kazda & Tomás Weinreb.
She also leads in CÓRKI DANCINGU/THE LURE, a provocative Polish cinema production directed by Agnieszka Smoczyńska (also starring our talent JOANNA KUHLIG),which spans the genres of drama, horror, comedy and musical. In 2016, the film won the Special Jury Prize at SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL and will be given a limited release in North America on February 1st, 2017.
Pls check the trailers & profiles below!
LEVIN HENNING starred in the Danish movie UNDER SANDET/LAND OF MINE, directed by Martin Zandvliet (2015), which now besides other nominations received an American Academy Award nomination in the category Best Non-English Language Film. info…
UNDER SANDET/LAND OF MINE (2015), directed by Martin Zandvliet (German trailer)
NADIA SETTEL stars as an interesting supporting character in the three times Golden Globe-winning TV show THE AFFAIR, created by Sarah Treem and Hagai Levi. The episode featuring Nadja will air January, 29th on SHOWTIME.
Pls check her profile and the production set pictures below!
THE AFFAIR, (production set pictures)
MALIK BLUMENTHAL haunts us in the new music video NEW ESTATE (directed by Sander Houtkruijer) of the German art-pop band GIANT ROOKS.
Pls check his profile and the music video below!
MALIK BLUMENTHAL in “NEW ESTATE” – GIANT ROOKS , directed by Sander Houtkruijer
2017 (music video)
ESKINDIR TESFAY appears in the Chinese action-comedy production KUNG-FU YOGA alongside Jackie Chan, directed by Stanley Tong, which will be released on January 27th in the USA and on 28th in China. Pls check his profile and the official trailer below!
KUNG-FU YOGA, directed by Stanley Tong 2017 (official trailer)
MEHDI NEBBOU has played one of the lead roles in the great Romanian/French co-production FIXEUR/FIXER, directed by Adrian Sitaru, which will have its Romanian premiere in Bucharest on January 27th, 2017. Pls check his profile and the movie trailer below!
MEHDI NEBBOU in FIXEUR/THE FIXER, (2016) directed by Adrian Sitaru (trailer)
MARTINA SCHÖNE RADUNSKI plays the lead character (JERRY KILLICK & LEONARD KUNZ in supporting characters) in FAKE, a really interesting new cinema movie project, developed and directed by Maja Classen.
Pls check the concept trailer & profiles below!
FAKE, a concept trailer – cinema movie project, developed & directed by Maja Classen.

LEONARD KUNZ is nominated as the best actor for his performance in the short film JENNY, directed by Lea Becker. The film will be shown at the MAX OPHÜLS PREIS FILM FESTIVAL Saarbrücken.
JENNY, directed by Lea Becker (a trailer)
News at the MAX OPHÜLS PREIS Film Festival Saarbrücken info..
PAULA KROH stars in WAS ICH DIR NOCH SAGEN WOLLTE/THINGS LEFT UNSAID, a short movie directed by Hans Henschel, the film will be shown in a short film section at the festival. Besides this, Paula finished her shooting for ALPHA GIRL, a short film – drama, directed by Martin Monk.
WAS ICH DIR NOCH SAGEN WOLLTE/THINGS LEFT UNSAID, directed by Hans Henschel. (a trailer)
MILTON WELSH stars in RAKETTE PERELMAN/ROCKET PERELMAN, a German comedy, directed by Oliver Alaluukas and Oliver Alexander Alaluukas. Besides its World`s premiere at the festival, the film participates in the competition.
RAKETTE PERELMAN/ROCKET PERELMAN, directed by Oliver Alaluukas and Oliver Alexander Alaluukas.
DANIEL STEINER has been starring in the very popular German crime TV series SOKO LEIPZIG for five years already.
In the newest episode will be focused on Daniel`s character, a nerdy lab-tech hero, named LORENZ RETTIG, who will investigate a new crime case. This episode, called EIN FALL FÜR RETTIG/A NEW CASE FOR RETTIG (not an official translation), is directed by Jörg Mielich and airs on January, 20th at 10pm on ZDF (German national TV Channel).
Daniel Steiner is a part of Stephanie Maiers interactive Social-Network-Installation TWEET UP YOUR LIFE, at the WhiteBox studio, info.. in Munich, Germany. The exhibition runs till February 26th, more info..
EIN FALL FÜR RETTIG/NEW CASE FOR RETTIG (not an official translation), directed by Jörg Mielich (a trailer and a production set picture)
Stephanie Maiers interactive Social-Network-Installation TWEET UP YOUR LIFE at the WhiteBox studio in Munich, Germany. Below photos taken by Daniel Steiner.
JOSEPHINE DE LA BAUME stars in CECILE ON THE PHONE, a short film, directed by Annabelle Dexter-Jones. The film has its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival 2017.
More news about Josephine – she stars in THE HITMAN`S BODYGUARD, directed by Patrick Hughes, alongside Ryan Reynolds, Salma Hayek and Gary Oldman.
THE HITMAN`S BODYGUARD, directed by Patrick Hughes (a trailer)
ASLI BAYRAM is now represented by DAS IMPERIUM..
Asli made her first international appearance in the film JUMP, directed by Joshua Sinclair in 2008.
Later on she starred in many other feature films like SHORTCUT TO HOLLYWOOD (2009), directed by Marcus Mittermeier & Jan Henrik Stahlberg, SEVDAH ZA KARIMA/SEVDAH FOR KARIM, directed by Jasmin Durakovic (2010) and in the Swiss drama 180° – WENN DEINE WELT PLÖTZLICH KOPF STEHT/WHEN SUDDENLY YOUR WORLD SEEMS UPSIDE DOWN, (not an official translation) directed by Cihan Inan, also in 2010. In 2012, Asli played lead both in the thriller/drama BODY COMPLETE, directed by Lukas Sturm and in the drama SHANGHAI GYPSY, directed by Marko Nabersnik.
Further she appeared in Simon Curtis’ history-drama WOMAN IN GOLD (2015) and SEPTEMBERS OF SHIRAZ (alongside Selma Hayek and Adrien Brody), directed by Wayne Blair (2015). The same year Asli starred in the short film drama UNSEEN, directed by Gabrielle Hawes.
Asli is native Turkish/German and speaks English fluently.
SEPTEMBERS OF SHIRAZ, directed by Wayne Blair. (a trailer)
UNSEEN, directed by Gabrielle Hawes. (a trailer)
ARLY JOVER stars in her first lead role in a German cinema feature film, AXOLOTL OVERKILL, directed by Helene Hegemann. The film will have its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival 2017, info..
Arly also stars in the great Czech-Slovakian cinema co-production MASARYK, directed by Julius Sevcík, which will have its premiere at a special screening at the Berlinale Film Festival 2017.
Alongside Arly, MILTON WELSH and JAMES FLYNN star in the movie.
JAMES FLYNN has recently finished his shooting for CAMBRIA, a long feature film directed by Alexei Tylevichand as well as for ETERNAL WAR, a short movie directed by Huan Vu, alongside KATJA WAGNER, BLAKE WORREL and KLARA MUCCI.
ARLY JOVER in AXOLOTL OVERKILL, directed by Helene Hegemann (production set pictures below) and in MASARYK, directed by Julius Sevcík (a trailer below)
JAMES FLYNN in MASARYK, directed by Julius Sevcík (production set picture with James Flynn below) and ETERNAL WAR, directed by Huan Vu (production set pictures below)
ETERNAL WAR, directed by Huan Vu (production set pictures with James Flynn (Photo 1), Katja Wagner (Photo 2), Blake Worrel (Photo 3) and Klara Mucci (Photo 4)
MARTINA SCHÖNE-RADUNSKI, a rising talent from Germany, stars in LUCA TANZT LEISE, a German comedy with a special sense of humor, directed by Philipp Eichholtz. The movie will be shown in German cinemas starting January, 19th, info..
LUCA TANZT LEISE, directed by Philipp Eichholtz (a trailer)
HAPPY HOUR, directed by, Franz Müller with MEHDI NEBBOU, (lead role).
TIGER GIRL, directed Jakob Laas with KATJA WAGNER, ESKINDIR TESFAY and ROBERT MAASER (supporting roles).
*MORRIS AUS AMERIKA, directed by Chad Hartigan with LEVIN HENNING (supporting role).
*ES WAR EINMAL IN DEUTSCHLAND, directed by Sam Garbarski with OLEG TIKHOMIROV (supporting role). This film will have its premiere at the main competition at the Berlinale Film Festival 2017.
Besides this, Oleg finished his shooting for GENIUS, an international TV series directed by Ron Howard as well for STASI JAIL MEMORIAL BERLIN HOHENSCHÖNHAUSEN (working title, an independent project based on the history of Berlin directed by Michael Ginsburg (alongside MILTON WELSH).
MEHDI NEBBOU / HAPPY HOUR, directed by, Franz Müller. (below a trailer).
LEVIN HENNING / MORRIS AUS AMERIKA, directed by Chad Hartigan (a trailer below)
OLEG TIKHOMIROV / TV series GENIUS, directed by Ron Howard (production set picture below)
STASI JAIL MEMORIAL BERLIN HOHENSCHÖNHAUSEN (working title), an independent project based on the history of Berlin, directed by Michael Ginsburg
KATJANA GERZ, stars in a German Comedy Show GUTE ARBEIT/ORIGINALS. After taking a look at this project, we can see that Katjana is not only a great actress, but also a great comedian,info…