Hi lovely friends & funky bizz partners & cinema lovers, there a few really interesting news of our clients we want to share with you because we are proud of what they did…So let´s go for it…
MILTON WELSH is shooting for REBORN directed by Rodja Tröscher. Furthermore the feature film WIR MACHEN DURCH BIS MORGEN FRÜH/ WE PARTY UNTIL THE BREAK OF DAWN directed by Lars Becker, info had it’s premier at the Cologne Conference on October 06th. On October 10th Milton stars for LET’S GO directed by Michael Verhoeven, ARD/ 08:15pm, info and he stars also for the Italian movie project HOLIDAY directed by Luca Immesi, info
Behind the scenes of REBORN…
HOLIDAY teaser…
The really great Chinese actress HUANG LU is now represented by Das Imperium Talent Agency Berlin! (She speaks English fluently) She was plucked out of the classroom to debut in Chinese director Li Yang’s BLIND MOUNTAIN in 2006. Guo Xiao Lu’s SHE, A CHINESE was awarded (The Golden Leopard) in Locarno 2009 with her in the lead role. She shot also HOW TO DESCRIBE A CLOUD directed by David Verbeek who won best actress award at Peking film festival, produced and appeared in APOLITAL ROMANCE in 2012 and just completed Lou Ye’s most recent film BLIND MASSAGE…so please have a look for her preview below…
DIMITRI STAPFER Swiss film award (best actor) an upcoming talent stars for the theatre play LEBEN LÜGEN STERBEN/ LIVE LIE DIE at the great Theater Neumarkt in Zurich, directed by Uta Plate, info. A theatre play by and with young adults, seniors, actors and professional liars, article.