Hi everybody, some additional news for november we want to share with you. Please have a look below…
STEFANO CASSETTI stars for IL TERZO TEMPO, directed by Enrico Maria Artale, 2 times awarded at Venice film festival 2013, Italian cinema release November 21st and also in German cinemas since November 14th in a supporting role for JEUNE ET JOLIE, directed by François Ozon, nominated at Cannes film festival and awarded at San Sebastian international film festival have a look at the trailers…
GISA FLAKE, stars for the new series directed by the also very successful and famous director and comedian Michael Herbig, BULLY MACHT BUDDY/ BULLY MAKES BUDDY, the first episode was aired two days ago with great ratings (from age 3: 1,82 Mio./6,0% and age 14-49: 1,59 Mio13,4%), info and for those who missed it here the link to the first episode..
…clip with GISA FLAKE from the first episode “AIDA moves in”, have a look!
FLORIN PIERSIC JR., finished his shooting for THE NECESSARY DEATH OF CHARLIE COUNTRYMAN, directed by Fredrik Bond, with Evan Rachel Wood, Mads Mikkelsen and Shia LaBeouf! Watch the scene with him and Florin…
LUCIE ARON after her shooting for Wolfgang Beckers new feature ICH UND KAMINSKI/ ME AND KAMINSKI she finished now her shooting for KREUZWEG/ CROSSROADS directed by Dietrich Brüggemann, watch her amazing casting for EROS, the next feature she is planned to star for together with SERGEJ ONOPKO represented by Das Imperium…
MÁTÉ HAUMANN who shot recently the new HERCULES feature by Brett Ratner with Dwayne Johnson, John Hurt (also with SERGEJ ONOPKO represented by Das Imperium) and also for THE RAVEN by James McTeigue together with John Cusack. Have a look on his new showreel…
SIMONETTA SOLDER, have a look on the scenes from her lead in one episode of the well known Austrian crime series SCHNELL ERMITTELT/ SCHNELL INVESTIGATES, directed by Michael Riebl…
PAUL BOCHE is now represented by Das Imperium, lives in Berlin and New York, he is working on a few projects, Hamlet in Heiner Mueller’s DIE HAMLETMASCHINE/ THE HAMLET MACHINE in NY at Black Box theatre. He will be the lead in 3 music videos (a trilogy) for the french artist “Talisco” which will be released in January. Kenzo Kampagne with Devon Aoki (released in February) and another movie where he plays Rainer Maria Rilke, info, he will be in Berlin between December 02nd and 09th, let us know if you want to meet him…