TORSTEN VOGES stars for 31 – a horror film, directed by Rob Zombie. Since yesterday, 27th, Oktober the film is shown in German cinemas info.. You might will remember him from his remarkable role of The Gymnast for Netflix comedy THE DO OVER directed by Steven Brill, next to Adam Sandler and for his role of Nihilist Franz in a legendary black comedy THE BIG LEBOWSKI, directed by Joel and Ethan Coen.

31 directed by Rob Zombie (trailer)
THE DO OVER directed by Steven Brill (trailer)
THE BIG LEBOWSKI directed by Joel Coen and Ethan Coen (production set picture)
Copyright: © 1998 Polygram Filmed Entertainment
LEANDRO TAUB recently finished his next lead role for the South African – Indian CO-Production cinema project WOODWIND, directed by Fin Manjoo.
WOODWIND (Production set picture)
MARIA EVOLI our new client stars as lead for the post – absolutely great – visionary apocalyptic feature film TENEMOS LA CARNE/ WE ARE THE FLESH, written and directed by Emiliano Rocha Minter. At the Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia,info..
TENEMOS LA CARNE/ WE ARE THE FLESH directed by Emiliano Rocha Minter (trailer and below set pictures)

VALERIU ANDRIUTA is from now on represented by D.I.T.A..
He stars for many inspiring great cinema movies (just as one example – he played remarkable roles in all of the movies of great Romanian director Cristian Mungiu)…His last collaboration with Cristian Mungiu – BACALAUREAT, film won Palm D´ Or at Cannes film festival for best script in 2016. In 2015 and 2016 he stars for Russian TV Series HOMELAND, directed by Pavel Lungin, PAVEL directed by Alex Ranta and for MAY 31 directed by Igor Chistol.
You might will remember him from his remarkable role of the priest for the multiple awarded feature film BEYOND THE HILLS directed by Cristian Mungiu who won besides many other Awards the Golden Palm for best screenplay and was selected as Romanians entry for the Academy Awards for a film from a foreign country in 2013.
Valeriu Andriuta is native in Romanian and Russian, fluent in English.

BACALAUREAT/GRADUATION directed by Cristian Mungiu 2016
BEYOND THE HILLS directed by Cristian Mungiu
MALIK BLUMENTHAL is now represented by D.I.T.A..
He recently finished his shooting for a German cinema movie KALTE WASSER/COLD WATER, directed by Raymond Ley. In 2016 he stars for a music video WAR from rapper CAPSA FT. KEITH FLINT, directed by great Berlin based director Matt Lambert with who he shot another great short movie HEILE GANSJE in 2013.
In 2016, Malik played as lead for a great short movie ONE COLOR SELF-PORTRAIT, directed by Vincente de Solminihac and for the German cinema movie UNS GEHT ES GUT/WE ARE FINE directed by Henri Steinmetz.
Malik Blumenthal is native in German, and fluent in English and Spanish.
Photo by Alina Albrecht
WAR, directed by Matt Lambert 
HEILE GANSJE, directed by Matt Lambert
GIGI FANTASIO SPELSBERG (GFS) is now represented by D.I.T.A..
She is a transgender artist and actress, who has worked as an assistant for Kai Kuhne/Björk in New York, has collaborated with such artists as Olof Dreijer (The Knife)/Oni Ayhun (Warsaw/London/Berlin), Planningtorock (London/Paris/Berlin), Goro Tronsmo, Roxymore and Aerea Negrot (Oslo) and Leonor Scherrer (Paris). In 2016, during the short artist residency in New Zealand, she stars for FREE FROM DRAG, an art project she produced by herself in a collaboration with artist Black Cracker. In 2015 Gigi stars for a fictive unisex advertising campaign video EAU DE FANTASIO, produced together with the artist collective called paneperpoveri which was shown on a parallel event during the 59th Venice Art Biennale. Besides this she stars for a German movie SMILE directed by Steffen Köhn and had been seen as cameo at Yony Leyser´s cinema movie DESIRE WILL SET YOU FREE. Gigi stars also for an advertising campaign for PVC a unisex perfume and a multilayer performance of erotics of memory and politics of GFS. This project was presented as an architectural installation,during Gallery Weekend Berlin 2016.
Gigi Fantasio is native French/South African and is also fluent in German and English.
FREE FROM DRAG 2016 (art video project in collaboration with Black Cracker)
EAU DE FANTASIO by PANEPERPOVERI 2015 (a fictive unisex advertising campaign video)
SMILE directed by Steffen Köhn (production set picture)