Hello friends, we hope you still enjoy the summer and you will have sunny smooth days in Berlin or wherever you hang around at this moment. A few real great news came up which we want to share with you. So please keep an eye on these talents which we mentioned in our news below. Thx. Greetz from the motivated and refreshed by holidays in the sun work crew Anne, Anna, Manuel & Georg
NIK XHELILAJ becomes the most popular Amerindian in Europe! So we can say now NIK XHELILAJ will become WINNETOU the big wise leader who fights for the rights and freedom for his tribe. This stories (3) are based on the novels of Karl May which where bestsellers and sold more than 200 Million times. The production & the director were looking to find the right talent in the whole world because this talent needed to have the charisma and skills to go on in these big footsteps of WINNETOU after Pierre Brice, who was the star as Winnetou especiall in the 60’s and 70’s. Now they start to shoot for a new interpretation of this great novels about humanity which were a huge success in Europe and created a similar icon like James Bond in Europe! Nik is ready to take it over and is very happy to be chosen and bring Winnetou in a new era, info. Nik was recently awarded as best actor at Moscow film festival and got the award on stage from Luc Besson the jury president himself…
WINNETOU, directed by Philipp Stölzl (set pictures)
Nik with the award as best actor at Moscow film festival
Montreal film fest, August 27th- September 07th
CHRISTIAN WAGNER, stars for the 2 movie projects which will screened at the festival. The first one is TORO/ TAURUS directed by Martin Hawie, international competition, info and the second one is DESIRE WILL SET YOU FREE directed by the great Yony Leyser, Focus on world cinema section, info. He also shot another episode of a German webseries he stars for called ECKE WESERSTRAßE/ CORNER WESERSTRAßE together with another client of Das Imperium Talent Agency, MARTINA SCHÖNE- RADUNSKI and had a supporting role in the comedy feature film ER IST WIEDER DA/ HE’S BACK AGAIN, directed by David Wnendt, which will be released in October…
TORO/ TAURUS directed by Martin Hawie (scene)
ER IST WIEDER DA/ HE’S BACK AGAIN directed by David Wnendt (teaser)
COSIMA CIUPEK, stars for SIN & ILLY STILL ALIVE directed Maria Hengge, Focus on world cinema section, info…
SIN & ILLY STILL ALIVE, directed by Maria Hengge (movie poster)
SERGEJ ONOPKO, after his recent international cinema projects like SPY, directed by Paul Feig next to Jude Law, A MAN IN THE DARK, directed by Fede Alvarez next to Stephen Lang and serieses like THE LAST KINGDOM and STRIKE BACK he is now shooting for his first lead role in a German feature film called ERWARTUNGEN/ EXPECTATIONS, directed by Sebastian Mattukat. Have a look at the first pictures…
ERWARTUNGEN/ EXPECTATIONS, directed by Sebatian Mattukat (set pictures)
LUCAS A. ENGLANDER stars for feature film project PLANET OTTAKRING, directed by Michi Riebl, German cinema release August 14th, info. He also shot recently the movie project DER LICHTE GRUND/ THE CLEAR GROUND directed by Lukas Vaeth which he also stars for. He will shoot fotr the pilot of a new series with him as lead and is chosen chosen for the next cinema movie project of Jakob Lass called TIGER GIRL. With the production company VAKAT is he also planning his first feature film with the working title BELGRAD…
PLANET OTTAKRING, directed by Michi Riebl (stills)
DER LICHTE GRUND/ THE CLEAR GROUND directed by Lukas Vaeth (stills)