Hi everybody, they are some additional great news we want to share with you. Please have a look below… Just four days left until the EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS will be presented… and one of our actors stars for one movie which is in the competition….Let´s cross our fingers and our legs for…
BOGDAN DUMITRACHE, who stars for CHILD’S POSE/ MUTTER UND SOHN, directed by Calin Peter Netzer, which won Berlinale’s Golden Bear 2013 for the best movie and won also the FIPRESCI award in Berlin, info …
[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/56911345″ frameborder=”0″ width=”100%” height=”100%”]
FRANC BRUNEAU stars for the feature film project N’IMORTE QUI of my make-my-day-hero Rémi Gaillard. So please have a look at his first funny teaser below. The french release of his movie will be on 5th of march (also first picture below on the left)…
[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/49373963″ frameborder=”0″ width=”100%” height=”100%”]
Since September Franc stars in 4 short movies. PEOPLE ARE STRANGE (second picture on the right) was directed by Julien Hallard, the director of many awarded short “Cheveux” Franc also stars in. LES PETITS CAILLOUX, directed by Chloé Mazlo is an animated film in stop motion (group picture on the left) and now he’s shooting for the Belgian movie JE ME TUE À LE DIRE directed by Xavier Seron, a dark comedy (black and white picture on the right). Last but not least… on December 14th, 09:35 am (yes 09:35 in the morning!) at German channel ARD, Franc stars for one episode of the famous German children Tv series PFEFFERKÖRNER (last picture on the left!) info

DANIELE RIZZO finished his shooting for German/ American feature film STUNG directed by very talented Benni Dietz. Daniele shot side by side with Peter Stormare and Lance Henriksen. Please have a look at the incredible teaser, info…
[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/49309595″ frameborder=”0″ width=”100%” height=”100%”]

PETER CHAFFEY, stars for SWORD OF VENGENCE, directed by Jim Weedon and written by Julian Unthank. Peter is Lucan “The Archer”. The guy far right is Dave Legeno (Snatch) and the guy in the middle is Ed Skrein, they play side by side with Annabelle Wallis and Stanley Weber.
[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/55768393″ frameborder=”0″ width=”100%” height=”100%”]

RICHARD KEEP, stars for the 2 new music videos of the band Ghost Maps (The ocean and a lover/ Vanilla). They used footage from Richards recent shooting of the movie DALSTON, directed by Michael Surgrue, a 12min short with the DP Sergio Delgado who has worked with Steven Soderburgh, Jim Jarmusch & Guillermo del Toro, soundtrack by the ex-drummer of the Smashing Pumpkins!
[iframe src=”http://player.vimeo.com/video/59506746?” frameborder=”0″ width=”100%” height=”100%”]