Please read below about our new team member Ludi Luthmann who will help us to expand our bizz & find also our new cellphone connections
(please update your data!):
(picture by Robert Carrithers)
Georg Georgi
mobile: +49.151.61957519 (new mobile number since 1.1.2014!)

Manuel Höhne (procurement service)
mobile: +49.151.19324297 or office: +49.30.28879520

Ludi Luthmann (procurement service)
mobile: +49.151.19324296 (Georg´s old cell phone number!) or office: +49.30.28879520
mobile: +49.151.19324297 or office: +49.30.28879520
Hi lovely friends & funky bizz partners, welcome in 2014…welcome to another great ring in every bodies tree trunk, another great option for yourself recognition & a great possibility to act wise & sometimes without any will… as a challenge of your life. Stay strong and take good care of your equanimity and creative turbo power…. And last but never at least…we wish all of you an untouchable health like a German Oak… that your funky happiness will guide your family & you. Rock´n Roll & sunny greetz for 2014….and now….the same procedure like 2013…Good news from a few of our clients we want to share with you…
TÓMAS LEMARQUIS stars for DIE PILGERIN/ THE PILGRIM, directed by Philipp Kadelbach, January 05th and 06th/ 08:15 pm/ ZDF, info…
LEONARDO NIGRO for SOMMER IN ROM/ SUMMER IN ROME, directed by Stephan Meyer after the novel of Stefan Ulrich “Quattro Stagioni- Ein Jahr in Rom/ Quattro Stagioni- A year in Rome”, January 11th/ 08:15 pm/ ARD (Das Erste), info…
IRINA POTAPENKO stars for one episode of the famous German crime series DER STAATSANWALT (HEIßE QUELLEN)/ THE ATTORNEY (HOT SOURCES) directed by Ulrich Zrenner, January 03rd/ 08:15 pm/ ZDF, info…
MAX HEGEWALD, stars again for the theatre play KEVIN ALLEIN IM UNIVERSUM/ KEVIN ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE, directed by Jan Koslowski at the Volksbühne Berlin, January 4th and 5th, info and tickets…
Hi everybody, we wish you a funky Christmas, we wish you a funky Christmas, we wish you a funky Christmas and a fucking happy sunny inspiring and delighted 2014. We want to do a little competition with you at the end of this great 2013. But at first a little movie one of our clients (CARSTEN CIZMOWSKI) has done for this upcoming holy Christmas days (directed by SVEN SCHRADER). Please have a look:
KARSTEN CIZMOWSKI in O christmas tree from Georg Georgi on Vimeo.
And now: CHOOSE YOUR SANTA and use the links at the pictures below to choose your favorite holy-funky-&-a-bit-fucked-up Santa Clause!
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Hello everybody, there came up two absolutely great news we want to share with you. Two of our clients are selected as shootingsars of the EUROPEAN FILM PROMOTION which will present at the Berlinale 2014. From now we find partners to collaborate with us and represent them for several territories (US, UK etc.), because both of them are fluent in English and have a great potential for an international career…. So please have a look and keep an eye for the future on….
NIKOLA RAKOCEVIC who stars for SKINNING directed by Stevan Filipovic and for CIRCLES directed by Srdan Golubovic which is in the selection for the Academy awards as movie from a foreign country and won six important festival awards (for example Sundance and Berlin international film festival) and got two nominations…
COSMINA STRATAN who won the best actress at Cannes film festival for BEYOND THE HILLS, directed by Cristian Mungiu, which she stars for, six nominations and five wins for the feature film (for example Cannes and Europen film festival)…
Hi everybody, they are some additional great news we want to share with you. Please have a look below… Just four days left until the EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS will be presented… and one of our actors stars for one movie which is in the competition….Let´s cross our fingers and our legs for…
BOGDAN DUMITRACHE, who stars for CHILD’S POSE/ MUTTER UND SOHN, directed by Calin Peter Netzer, which won Berlinale’s Golden Bear 2013 for the best movie and won also the FIPRESCI award in Berlin, info …
FRANC BRUNEAU stars for the feature film project N’IMORTE QUI of my make-my-day-hero Rémi Gaillard. So please have a look at his first funny teaser below. The french release of his movie will be on 5th of march (also first picture below on the left)…
Since September Franc stars in 4 short movies. PEOPLE ARE STRANGE (second picture on the right) was directed by Julien Hallard, the director of many awarded short “Cheveux” Franc also stars in. LES PETITS CAILLOUX, directed by Chloé Mazlo is an animated film in stop motion (group picture on the left) and now he’s shooting for the Belgian movie JE ME TUE À LE DIRE directed by Xavier Seron, a dark comedy (black and white picture on the right). Last but not least… on December 14th, 09:35 am (yes 09:35 in the morning!) at German channel ARD, Franc stars for one episode of the famous German children Tv series PFEFFERKÖRNER (last picture on the left!) info
DANIELE RIZZO finished his shooting for German/ American feature film STUNG directed by very talented Benni Dietz. Daniele shot side by side with Peter Stormare and Lance Henriksen. Please have a look at the incredible teaser, info…
PETER CHAFFEY, stars for SWORD OF VENGENCE, directed by Jim Weedon and written by Julian Unthank. Peter is Lucan “The Archer”. The guy far right is Dave Legeno (Snatch) and the guy in the middle is Ed Skrein, they play side by side with Annabelle Wallis and Stanley Weber.
RICHARD KEEP, stars for the 2 new music videos of the band Ghost Maps (The ocean and a lover/ Vanilla). They used footage from Richards recent shooting of the movie DALSTON, directed by Michael Surgrue, a 12min short with the DP Sergio Delgado who has worked with Steven Soderburgh, Jim Jarmusch & Guillermo del Toro, soundtrack by the ex-drummer of the Smashing Pumpkins!
01. LCD SOUNDSYSTEM – “Dance yourself clean” (Muppets rock out in Brighton!)
02. JIM JARMUSCH & JOZEF VAN WISSEM – “The sun of the natural world is pure fire”
03. SILKE BISHOFF – “On the other side I ´ll see you again”
04. JOACHIM WITT – “Herbergsvater”
05. SKRILLEX – “First of the year (Equinox)”
Hi everybody, something new for the end of November. Please pay attention to some new great potential upcoming talents we will from now on represent. Pawel Delag a really famous Polish actor who shot and also stars in many Russian movies, Damien Chapelle…one of the next Belgian rising stars after Matthias Schoenaerts (“Rust and Bones”) and Marie Ulbricht & Clara- Marie Pazzini, two young German/ half German talents you should keep an eye on…and have a look for some additional great news of our clients…
PAULA KROH awarded upcoming actress stars side by side with Devid Striesow for (already aired on ARTE and screened at the festival of German movies) DIE FRAU VON FRÜHER/ THE WOMAN FROM THE PAST, directed by Andreas Kleinert, got now the tv movie award of the German academy of performing arts, info…
JOY BAI stars in the 90 minutes episode of the well known Bavarian crime series SEEGRUND. EIN KLUFTINGERKRIMI/ KLUFTINGER- LAKE BOTTOM, directed by Rainer Kaufmann after the novels of Michael Kobr und Volker Klüpfel, November 28th/ 08:15pm/ DasErste, info…
LEVIN HENNING supprting role for MILLIONEN/ MILLIONS, directed by Fabian Möhrke (director of the many times awarded short PHILIPP, lead MAX HEGEWALD) screened at this years Hof international film festival info, team screening December 01st, 03:30pm at FSK Kino Kreuzberg…
JAN BREUSTEDT a new upcoming and remarkable actor from Volksbühne Berlin finished his shooting for the German/ Austrian feature film VON JETZT AN KEIN ZURÜCK/ FROM NOW THERE’S NO TURNIN’ BACK, directed by Christian Frosch, which he stars for side by side with German talent Ben Becker, info…
FABIAN HALBIG and ROBIN WALTER together again for a shooting (you should remind them from their lead roles in the very sucessful franchise feature film trilogy VORSTADTKROKODILE/ SUBURBAN CROCODILES) for a famous German crime series POLIZEIRUF 110, directed by the many times awarded Alexander Adolph…
PAWEL DELAG is now represented by Das Imperium…
DAMIEN CHAPELLE is now represented by Das Imperium…
Hi everybody, some additional news for november we want to share with you. Please have a look below…
STEFANO CASSETTI stars for IL TERZO TEMPO, directed by Enrico Maria Artale, 2 times awarded at Venice film festival 2013, Italian cinema release November 21st and also in German cinemas since November 14th in a supporting role for JEUNE ET JOLIE, directed by François Ozon, nominated at Cannes film festival and awarded at San Sebastian international film festival have a look at the trailers…
GISA FLAKE, stars for the new series directed by the also very successful and famous director and comedian Michael Herbig, BULLY MACHT BUDDY/ BULLY MAKES BUDDY, the first episode was aired two days ago with great ratings (from age 3: 1,82 Mio./6,0% and age 14-49: 1,59 Mio13,4%), info and for those who missed it here the link to the first episode..
…clip with GISA FLAKE from the first episode “AIDA moves in”, have a look!
FLORIN PIERSIC JR., finished his shooting for THE NECESSARY DEATH OF CHARLIE COUNTRYMAN, directed by Fredrik Bond, with Evan Rachel Wood, Mads Mikkelsen and Shia LaBeouf! Watch the scene with him and Florin…
LUCIE ARON after her shooting for Wolfgang Beckers new feature ICH UND KAMINSKI/ ME AND KAMINSKI she finished now her shooting for KREUZWEG/ CROSSROADS directed by Dietrich Brüggemann, watch her amazing casting for EROS, the next feature she is planned to star for together with SERGEJ ONOPKO represented by Das Imperium…
MÁTÉ HAUMANN who shot recently the new HERCULES feature by Brett Ratner with Dwayne Johnson, John Hurt (also with SERGEJ ONOPKO represented by Das Imperium) and also for THE RAVEN by James McTeigue together with John Cusack. Have a look on his new showreel…
SIMONETTA SOLDER, have a look on the scenes from her lead in one episode of the well known Austrian crime series SCHNELL ERMITTELT/ SCHNELL INVESTIGATES, directed by Michael Riebl…
PAUL BOCHE is now represented by Das Imperium, lives in Berlin and New York, he is working on a few projects, Hamlet in Heiner Mueller’s DIE HAMLETMASCHINE/ THE HAMLET MACHINE in NY at Black Box theatre. He will be the lead in 3 music videos (a trilogy) for the french artist “Talisco” which will be released in January. Kenzo Kampagne with Devon Aoki (released in February) and another movie where he plays Rainer Maria Rilke, info, he will be in Berlin between December 02nd and 09th, let us know if you want to meet him…
Hi everybody, some great news for november we want to share with you. Please have a look below…
MAX HEGEWALD, one of our most upcoming talents for acting and directing (yessss!!!) stars for ARNES NACHLASS/ ARNES HERITAGE, directed by Thorsten Schmidt, German tv premier, November 13th/ 08:15 pm/ ARD, info…
STEFAN STERN stars for IM ALTER VON ELLEN/ AT ELLEN’S AGE, directed by Pia Marais, awarded at Buenos Aires international festival of independant cinema and nominated at Locarno international film festival, November 22nd/ 09:55 pm/ ARTE info…
…currently from Brasil during his theatre tour for UM INIMIGO DO POVO through South America, which he stars for!
Rome film festival, November 08th to 17th…
TÓMAS LEMARQUIS for the american- korean coproduction SNOWPIERCER, directed by Joon-ho Bong, together with John Hurt, Tilda Swinton and Ed Harris, info…
FLORIN PIERSIC JR., after Cottbus (as a director) for a screening and Q&A with his movie ‘Killing Time’ he will be in Rome between November 11th – 14th with the movie QUOD ERAT DEMONSTRADUM (official selection) directed by Andrei Gruzsniczki which he stars for! info…
GISA FLAKE, stars for the new series directed by the also very successful and famous director and comedian Michael Herbig (VICKY THE VIKING and the sequel, box office hits in Germany and many times awarded and also with Gisa) BULLY MACHT BUDDY/ BULLY MAKES BUDDY, November 18th, 09:40 pm, Pro Sieben, the sitcom to the upcoming feature film (BUDDY) also with Gisa, info…
…and now the NEW TRAILER!!!
PAULA KROH stars for SUNNY, directed by Barbara Ott which won the award for best 60 minute feature film at the First Steps Award 2013 and recently the German short movie award 2013, premier November 12th, 08 pm at Moviemento cinema in Berlin…
COSIMA CIUPEK is shooting for one episode of SOKO LEIPZIG- WAS NICHT SEIN DARF/ SOKO LEIPZIG- WHAT SHOULDN’T BE, directed by Buddy Giovinazzo, famous German crime series…
DANJA MATHARI, stars for a delicate, haunting music video of Aloa Input for their track ‘Someday Morning’. In this poetic pseudo-documentary we follow a night in the life of uni student Danja M, who might be the world’s first ever support worker for sleepwalkers. Directed by Bryn Chainey, she also finished the shooting for the movie 8848, directed by Giorgi Korkashvili which she stars for…
Hi everybody, some great news for november we want to share with you. Please have a look below…
HARDY SCHWETTER aka CHRISTIAN STEIFFEN featured for ICH FÜHL MICH DISCO/ I FEEL LIKE DISCO by the wonderful Axel Ranisch, German cinema release October 31st, critic, website…
HARDY SCHWETTER aka CHRISTIAN STEIFFEN released his new record on October 9th WORKMAN OF LOVE/ ARBEITER DER LIEBE, website incl. tour dates, check out his new music video Sexualverkehr/ Sexual intercourse!!!!
GISA FLAKE, stars for the new series directed by the also very successful and famous director and comedian Michael Herbig (VICKY THE VIKING and the sequel, box office hits in Germany and many times awarded and also with Gisa) BULLY MACHT BUDDY/ BULLY MAKES BUDDY, November 18th, 09:40 pm, Pro Sieben, the sitcom to the upcoming feature fil m also with Gisa…
FRANC BRUNEAU stars for N’IMORTE QUI directed by Rémi Gaillard, have a look at the first teaser below, it´s supposed to be released in february and a making of his next Zombie feature film project…
YANGZOM BRAUEN is shooting 8 episodes for DER LETZTE BULLE/ THE LAST COP directed by Thomas Nennstiel/ Michael Kreindl/ Sophie Allet- Coche, famous German crime series…
JOEL VIRGIL, stars for the new music video from his friend Devandra Banhart. After the video “Foolin” the new one called “Für Hildegard von Bingen”…